Alison Irwin's Biography

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Alison Irwin, who was runner-up in Big Brother 4, was born on 7 August 1980.

Alison was selected to be a houseguest in Big Brother 7: All-Stars, however, it was not a good start as she was nominated, along with Danielle, in the first show. It got worse. Alison was the first houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother All-Stars. Nakomis and Diane were the only two who did not vote to evict her.

Alison lives in Columbus, Ohio and works as a medical sales rep. She goes out with Jason, a sports medicine physician.

Through elementary school and high school, Alison Irwin was a nationally ranked figure skater.

Alison told CBS's Big Brother 4 website that her hero is Britney Spears.

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