Dan Lobb's Biography

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Who is Dan Lobb?

Dan Lobb grew up in Hampshire.

He studied Biology, Chemistry and Economics before accepting a tennis scholarship to the University of Tennessee.

Dan Lobb was 39-years-old when he entered Strictly Come Dancing in 2011. He was paired with Katya Virshilas.

They were the second couple to be voted off.

Dan Lobb used to be a tennis professional, and then a tennis coach, as well as working in sports PR and marketing.

He had short stints at Croydon cable station, Cable 17, and Channel 5 before going on to present on Sky Sports in 2002.

In 2009, he moved on to Sky News, before joining GMTV in 2010 as their Sports Correspondent and then becoming Sports Editor on Daybreak.

In 2015, he became a co-presenter of Cowboy Builders.

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