Lucinda Ledgerwood's Biography
Lucinda Ledgerwood was a 31-year-old risk manager living in Edinburgh when she entered The Apprentice series 4.
Lucinda narrowly missed out on the Apprentice final. She got to the last five candidates, before Lord Sugar declared her "a little too zany for me, you're fired!"
Lucinda Ledgerwood, who was born in Singapore, has a degree in Psychology and Neuroscience from Manchester University and a Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
When Lucinda, who is sometimes referred to as Cindy, reached her thirties she decided not to have contact with her family.
At the time of The Apprentice, Lucinda was also studying part-time for a degree in Aromatherapy and Herbal Medicine at Napier University.
Before becoming a contestant in the fourth series of The Apprentice, Lucinda Ledgerwood had not seen any episodes of the previous three series.
In fact, Lucinda Ledgerwood had not had a television for the five years before entering The Apprentice.
Lucinda is a keen harpist and scuba diver.
Lucinda Ledgerwood told the BBC that her greatest regret was turning down being a body double for a Bond Girl.
The Sunday Mail reported how Lucinda Ledgerwood had changed her name in 2004, deciding to take her mother's family name rather than continue to be called Cindy Burger.
Lucinda's mother Sally Laird is divorced from her father Bernard Burger.
The Sunday Mail article mentions that Lucinda Ledgerwood had set up a dating agency called Sage and Thyme.
In August 2008, Lucinda Ledgerwood and Gary Crowley covered for Danny Baker, whilst he was on holiday, on the BBC London radio station.
In 2008, Lucinda Ledgerwood became one of the celebrity trainees at the Celebrity Scissorhands Hair & Beauty Academy run by Lee Stafford.
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