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Samantha Moon's Biography

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When Simon Smith told Adrian Chiles on The Apprentice: You're Fired that 'Frances' smells great, it was the first time for many that Sir Alan Sugar's P.A. had significantly registered in their consciousness.

The 'Frances' in question was played by Samantha Moon, who used to be a receptionist at Talkback Thames, who produce The Apprentice for the BBC.

Samantha Moon took on the role of Frances with series 3 of The Apprentice.

At the beginning of The Apprentice, Sir Alan Sugar's assistant was Frances Penn, but, in production terms, it made sense to have someone else to play the role instead.

Samantha Moon grew up in Shropshire. Her father is a retired Royal Navy petty officer and her mother is a teacher.

Samantha Moon studied drama at York University.

She was production secretary on Ladies and Gentlemen, a film in Channel Four's Comedy Showcase strand, which like The Apprentice was produced by Talkback Thames.

For more information, the Mail has an interesting article about Samantha Moon and Frances Penn.

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