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Paloma Vivanco-Coutts's Biography

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Paloma Vivanco-Coutts was a 29-year-old senior marketing manager living in London when she entered The Apprentice series 6.

Paloma was the fifth person to be fired from The Apprentice.

Born in Peru, Paloma Vivanco-Coutts lived in North America, Australia, and New Zealand where she attended the University of Auckland.

After setting up her own company when she was just 21 and working in marketing for Telecom New Zealand, Paloma left New Zealand in 2006.

She subsequently worked for British Telecom, Vodafone Group, Virgin Mobile and 3 Mobile.

Paloma Vivanco-Coutts also used to be Market Development Manager for Personal IM of the GSM Association.

In her audition for The Apprentice Paloma pointed out, "everything I do is always a success."

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