Raef Bjayou's Biography

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Raef Bjayou was a 27-year-old entrepreneur living in North West London when he entered The Apprentice series 4.

At that time, Raef Bjayou was running his own import and export company.

In the first week of The Apprentice, Raef Bjayou was on the losing team and was brought back into the boardroom by team leader Alex, but survived when Sir Alan Sugar fired Nicholas De Lacy Brown.

Raef Bjayou avoided the boardroom again until he was the ninth person fired, leaving just 6 candidates left.

Raef Bjayou was a boarder at Haileybury College and Imperial Service College in Hertfordshire.

Raef gained a BA in Politics & History at University of Exeter and an MA in Economics at Cambridge.

Raef Bjayou used to be an estate agent in the Sloane Square branch of Foxton's and spent one year in property sales in America and the Caribbean, and one year as a volunteer on Ethiopian charity projects.

Raef was captain of his school, and founded the Exeter University debating society.

The Apprentice was not Raef Bjayou's first TV experience. He was once in the audience of BBC's Question Time and asked Michael Heseltine a question, however it was not transmitted in the final programme.

Raef Bjayou's hobbies include antiquarian book collecting.

Soon after The Apprentice, Raef appeared on the Channel 4 quiz 8 Out of 10 Cats.

He also appeared on Richard & Judy, The Underdog Show and Celebrity Come Dine With Me.

After The Apprentice, Raef Bjayou also carried on working on his pharmaceutical distribution business in Africa.

However, The Mirror reported that Raef Bjayou's company Infinitate was to stop trading.

In November 2010, Raef and his friend the Big Brother housemate Ben Duncan were paired together on Celebrity Coach Trip on Channel 4.

In 2012, Raef Bjayou appeared alongside Stuart Baggs in an episode of The Celebrity Wedding Planner on Channel Five.

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