Dave Vaughan's Biography

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Dave Vaughan was the sixth housemate to enter Big Brother 2010.

Dave ended up runner-up in Big Brother series 11.

Dave Vaughan is a former postman and pest controller, who became a Christian Minister.

Dave went off the rails drinking and taking drugs from 18-21 years old, but his life changed on October 11 1992, when he claims to have met Jesus.

At the time of Big Brother, Dave lived with his wife of 17 years and four children, three dogs, six chickens and various rabbits.

Dave, whose Christian group is called New Ecstatics, organised a religious event on Barry Island called Sloshfest.

Months before Big Brother, Dave Vaughan was interviewed about Sloshfest by The Sun and told them:

"Heaven is going to be wild. God will show up and be the life of the party. We want to see fun coming back into the Church."

According to Dave Vaughan, "we get jacked up on Jesus."

Dave Vaughan, who heralds from Pontypool, supports Cardiff City FC.

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