Jayne Kitt's Biography

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Jayne Kitt was a 36 year-old recruitment consultant from Slough when she entered Big Brother.

Among the facets about herself that Jayne highlighted before entering the house next door to the Big Brother house proper was that she was "a good Catholic girl" and that she had a 36B bust.

Jayne Kitt has a daughter, Danielle.

Jayne became the first of the housemates next door to move to the Big Brother house proper after Aisleyne nominated her for eviction, thereby setting up the twist to move Jayne into the house.

Jayne describes herself as 'wild' and she got very excited when she recognised Spiral, whom she knew before entering Big Brother.

It was not too long before Jayne was evicted however. Her regular belching and rule-breaking made sure enough housemates nominated her and in the public vote she got more votes that fellow nominee Richard.

The Sun had suggested in advance that Jayne Kitt might be one of the mysterious new housemates.

The Sun is no stranger to Jayne's family. According to Bridlington Today, another of Jayne's mother's daughters Roberta Winterton, "hit the headlines in 2001 when she became the first serving member of the Armed Forces to appear on page three of The Sun newspaper".

Jayne had been self-employed for six years before Big Brother and used to work in a big employment agency. She has been in recruitment since 18, but said at the time of Big Brother she was ready to give it up.

After her parents split when she was 7, Jayne and her brother Stuart grew up with their father, Edward.

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