Jonty Stern's Biography

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Jonty Stern was a 36 year-old Museum of London visitor assistant from North London when he became a halfway housemate in Big Brother series 8.

Jonty Stern likes teddy bears and spanking. On his first night in the halfway house Jonty told Amy, Shanessa and Kara-Louise that he did not want sex because it was too messy.

One side of Jonty's family is Catholic / Protestant and the other is Jewish. He embraces all faiths, but has brought his yamulka in case the opportunity arises for appropriate religious expression.

Jonty Stern studied Welsh Studies at University, and speaks numerous ab struse languages including Cornish and Yiddish.

Jonty is a member of The Society of Friends of King Richard III.

On Day 87 of Big Brother with one week to go, Jonty had a narrow escape. There was a double eviction and Tracey got 38.5% of the public vote, whilst Kara-Louise got 30.7%, the narrowest of margins ahead of Jonty on 30.7% of the vote.

Jonty Stern made it to the final night of Big Brother series 8 and ended up in sixth place.

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