Lesley Brain's Biography

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Lesley Brain was a 60 year-old retired headhunter when she entered Big Brother series 8.

She was born Lesley Hudson in Canterbury, Kent.

After just a week and a half in the Big Brother house, Lesley walked away, saying: "I am more bored than is acceptable to me in the sense that I have better things to do."

Lesley ran a recruitment business, Cambridge Headhunters, for 20 years. She also set up a failed marriage agency for divorcees called Assignations.

Lesley Brain lives in Gloucestershire and her second husband, David, is an architect who is 23 years older than her. She first got married when she was 16.

Her first husband was Robert Jessop, who later became a Cambridge Don.

Lesley regards herself as intelligent, eccentric and a little unpredictable as well as being prone to temper tantrums.

Lesley Brain used to be a stand-up comic in Portugal, where she lived for six years. Although her sister, Pamela, explained on Big Brother Little Brother, that rather than stand-up comedy, it was more that Lesley was delivering lectures comparing Dickens to David Beckham.

When she was living in Faro in Portugal, Lesley complained to the Press Complaints Commission about a feature in Hello magazine headlined "Kate Winslet's Cornish hideaway" published on March 13 2001.

Lesley Brain had sold her home in Cornwall to Kate Winslet. The Hello article included photos taken of the inside of the house before the sale, which Lesley believed gave the false impression that she had sold not only her house but her possessions, including a treasured wedding gift.

She went to Highgrove for drinks at Christmas, however Lesley's interview with the Daily Mail indicates that reports that she knows Prince Charles and Camilla were exaggerated.

Lesley Brain doesn't like music.

She is an expert in Victorian writing, in particular, that of Charles Dickens.

Lesley Brain is a member of the Women's Institute and is a fan of Ricky Gervais.

After Big Brother, Lesley Brain successfully sued The Sunday Sport over a 'three in a bed' story.

She wrote a book about her Big Brother experience, entitled A Minority of One - Lesley Brain's Story of Her Time in the Big Brother House.

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