Lisa Wallace's Biography

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Lisa Wallace was 41 and unemployed in Birmingham when she entered the Big Brother house.

Because she answered the telephone when it rang on the first night of Big Brother, Lisa Wallace became the third actual housemate.

She also was given the power to chose the fourth definite housemate and selected Kris.

Lisa made it through to the final week of Big Brother but was the last housemate voted off before the final when she lost the public vote on the Tuesday before the final Friday - effectively coming sixth.

Lisa Wallace is a lesbian who lives in a council house. Lisa was single when she entered Big Brother, having split up with her girlfriend of two and a half years, whom she told the Big Brother housemates she still loved and would like to get back with.

She does not have any 'A' Levels. Before Big Brother, she had worked in various factories.

She is a stickler for tidiness. Her nickname is Punky.

On 8 June 2009, The Sun reported that Lisa Wallace earned money working on sex chat lines for 8 months.

At the time of Big Brother, Lisa had 28 tattoos including an American bald eagle on her head.

During Big Brother, Lisa Wallace mentioned that she had never had a credit card.

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