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Richard Newman's Biography

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Richard Newman was a 33 year old waiter when he entered Big Brother. Richard got into the final and ended up fourth in Big Brother 7.

He was born in the UK but grew up in Edmonton, Canada. He has spent the last ten years in the UK, but it was not until Big Brother that he had eaten baked beans.

Before going on Big Brother, Richard called himself a 'sexual terrorist' and said that he liked 'big dumb men'.

Richard Newman said during Big Brother that he was a gay wrestling champion and that he had done a degree in mass communications and broadcasting.

Richard's mother worked for the Justice Department in Natives Affairs for many years.

Richard's sister Clare Dewar told Jam Showbiz that Richard was not always as confident as he is in Big Brother: "Growing up in Edmonton, Richard was constantly bullied and mistreated by some because of his sexuality."

Richard Newman loves asparagus and spinach and eats asparagus about four times a week.

After Big Brother, Richard Newman hosted Mr Gay UK.

He was also chosen to co-present with Julian Bennett on the digital radio station GaydarRadio on Saturday mornings.

Richard and his fellow Big Brother housemate Lea also gained their own show on Gaydar, which they called The Dickie and Dolly Show.

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