Spiral's Biography

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Big Brother's Spiral, whose real name is Glen Coroner, is a DJ and rapper from Dublin, who was a 22-year-old when he entered the TV show.

Spiral doesn't drink or smoke but he does 'take life with both hands'.

He has also done work for the community, like running DJ courses for kids.

Spiral has three brothers and one sister and his pin-up is Nadine Coyle.

Initially, Spiral was in the house next door, but when Aisleyne was faced with evicting one of Jonathan or Spiral she chose Jonathan and so Spiral accompanied Aisleyne into the Big Brother house proper.

Spiral fancied Aisleyne but it was not reciprocated. With a couple of weeks to go, housemates were nominated in pairs and Spiral and Michael were evicted together.

Since leaving Big Brother Spiral released a rap, Finglas, that got into the top 10 in Ireland. In 2007, Spiral recorded an album.

Spiral's mother Mary Coroner told Dublin People: "I always thought that he would be on TV but for his music ...I never would have thought that he would be on a huge reality show."

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