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Daniele Donato's Biography

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Daniele Donato was a 20 year-old single waitress from Huntington Beach, California when she became a houseguest in Big Brother series 8.

Daniele came second in Big Brother, beaten only by her father, Dick Donato.

CBS's report on Episode 1 of Big Brother revealed: "They haven't spoken for over two years."

Dick and Daniele made up during Big Brother and Dick used some of his prize money to take Daniele on her first trip to Europe and to buy her a car.

During Big Brother, Daniele and Nick Starcevic formed a bond, but their relationship did not last very long outside the Big Brother house.

Daniele's profile in CBS's official Big Brother site stated that her favorite actors are Jude Law and Edward Furlong and her favorite actress is Kirsten Dunst.

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