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Eric Littmann's Biography

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Big Brother's Eric Littman was a 36 year old firefighter from Boston, when he entered Big Brother.

Eric was raised Jewish in Boston and was a paramedic for 14 years.

Eric Littman is a married father and is also a friend of fellow Big Brother houseguest Maggie Ausburn. Eric says that he worships the ground that his wife walks on.

Eric Littman is a fan of The Godfather and Goodfellas and Pacino and De Niro.

Eric describes himself as 'intense' and that 'what you see is what you get'.

Eric was head of household in week 3 of Big Brother and wrote in his blog for CBS:

"The most bittersweet part of this week as hoh was receiving my basket with Joseph and Danielle's pictures which I got as a fathers day gift. It was very emotional for me because Julie, Danielle and Joseph are not only a part of my life, they are my whole life..."

Only a week later Eric Littmann was evicted after an alliance was formed under week four's head of household, Kaysar Ridha.

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