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Jessica Hughbanks's Biography

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Jessica Hughbanks, was a 21 year-old student from Haysville, Kansas when she became a houseguest in Big Brother series 8.

Jess Hughbanks was evicted in the tenth week of Big Brother.

Jessica and Eric Stein met each other during Big Brother series 8 and were still an item when they introduced the first head of household competition in Big Brother series 9.

Jessica's nickname is J-Hugh and went to Campus High School.

Jessica and fellow Big Brother houseguest Carol Journey used to be best friends at junior high. However, they had unfinished business and were put together by Big Brother as a twist.

Jessica's MySpace page revealed that before attending Wichita State University, where she majors in Broadcast Journalism, she went to Cowley County Community College and Newman University.

Jessica Hughbanks is a member of the Wichita Thunder's dance team,

Jessica's page at Wichita Wild Football revealed that she had a "Mini Schnauzer named Diva and 2 gold fish named Persia and India".

Jessica's profile on CBS's Big Brother site listed her favorite TV shows as Big Brother, Girls Next Door, So You Think You Can Dance, and Best Week Ever.

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