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Ryan Quicksall's Biography

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Ryan Quicksall was a 27-year-old college student from Columbus, Ohio when he entered Big Brother in 2008.

Ryan was attending Ohio State University where he majored in economics and business.

According to Big Brother's biog of Ryan Quicksall: "He has one pet, an American Pit Bull terrier named Jada."

Before Big Brother, Ryan and Jen featured in each other's myspace pages.

It turned out that, although it was kept secret from the other houseguests, Ryan and Jen had already been dating for 9 months before Big Brother and living together for 7 months.

Ryan Quicksall was born on September 16, 1980.

In Big Brother series 9 Ryan was paired with his 'soulmate' Allison.

After Jen had told her 'soulmate' Parker that he and Ryan were an item, Ryan also told Allison.

Then Jen, Ryan and Parker tried to pre-empt Allison and told the other houseguests about Ryan and Jen's relationship before Allison could.

In the fourth week of Big Brother, Allison and Ryan were nominated for eviction along with Matt and Natalie, by heads of household Joshuah and Sharon.

When Matt and Natalie won the P.O.V. Allison and Ryan found themselves up against Sheila and Adam and lost 2-0, but as they went to leave the Big Brother house, the door was locked and Julie Chen revealed each houseguest was now playing as an individual.

In the ensuing vote between Ryan and Allison, Ryan Quicksall won unanimously 6-0 and so was saved from eviction.

On the same day, Ryan went on to be the first individual winner of Head of Household, in which role he nominated Sharon and Chelsia.

When Chelsia took herself off the block through the power of veto, Ryan surprised many by replacing her with James - several housemates had expected him to put up Matt.

With just Adam, Sharon, and Sheila left in the Big Brother house, Ryan Quicksall won head of household and put Sheila and Sharon on the block.

Ryan Quicksall also won power of veto but decided not to use it. When Adam voted Sharon off, it mean that Ryan, Adam and Sheila had reached the last three in Big Brother series 9.

Ryan won the head of household in the last round and chose to evict Sheila, leaving just him and Adam left on Day 77 of Big Brother.

In the end the jury of ex-houseguests voted for Adam to be Big Brother winner, but Ryan Quicksall took away the $50,000 runners-up prize.

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