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Darya Nucci's Biography

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In January 2009, professional ice skater Darya Nucci was the partner of Jeremy Edwards on Dancing on Ice.

Darya and Jeremy were the third pairing to be voted off Dancing on Ice.

Darya Nucci had previously appeared in the German equivalent of Dancing on Ice, Stars auf Eis.

She came fifth in 1996 in the first series, partnering Lars Riedel, an Olympic Discus Champion.

In the second series she had an early departure partnering Boris Entrup, with whom she exited on 13 December 2007.

Darya Nucci was born on 26 June 1980 in Ukraine.

She started skating when she was 5 and went on to win many national and international ice dance competitions including The Cup of Ukraine in 1999.

Dynamic Shows reveals that Darya Nucci, who was now based in Freiburg in Germany, was 170 cms tall and weighed 51 kgs.

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