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Jessica-Jane Clement's Biography

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Jessica-Jane Clement was born on 24 February 1985.

She grew up in Ecclesall, Sheffield.

She worked as a model and her credits included appearing on Page 3 of The Star, and American Playboy.

Jessica-Jane Clement co-hosts BBC Three's The Real Hustle.

Around the time of her first series of The Real Hustle, Jessica-Jane Clement was cast as Cindi Marshall in Sky 1's Dream Team.

In 2011, she was chosen to be one of the celebrities on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

Before going into the jungle, Jessica-Jane Clement had just got engaged to the hairdresser Lee Stafford, whom she met whilst appearing on Celebrity Scissorhands.

Jessica-Jane Clement and Lee Stafford have two puppies Knickers and Pants.

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