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Jenny Eclair's Biography

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Jenny Eclair was born Jenny Clare Hargreaves on 16 March 1960 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Her father was a Major in the Army, who was awarded an MBE.

As a child Jenny Eclair spent time in Malaysia, Singapore and Germany, before settling in Lytham St Annes.

Jenny Eclair studied at Manchester Polytechnic School of Theatre and joined a cabaret group variously referred to as Kathy Lacreme and the Rum Babas; and Cathy La Crème and the Rum Babies.

She then pursued stand-up comedy and in 1995 she became the first woman to win Edinburgh's prestigious Perrier award.

She helped develop and regularly appeared in the show Grumpy Old Women and a variety of successful spin-offs.

Jenny Eclair has hosted her own show on the London radio station LBC radio and starred in various stage productions. Her books include Chin Up Britain.

Her partner is Geof Powell.

In 2010 Jenny Eclair became one of the celebrities on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. She came third.

Jenny's daughter Phoebe Eclair-Powell won the Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting in 2019.

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