Rob McVeigh's Biography

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Any Dream Will Do contestant, Robert McVeigh was a 23-year-old builder from Rotherham when he entered the BBC search for a Joseph.

Rob was the sixth potential Joseph to be eliminated after losing a sing-off with Daniel Boys.

Robert McVeigh has a BTEC in drama.

Rob's fiancee Louise is a teaching assistant. They met at a local operatic society.

Rob played a victim in a reconstruction on Tonight with Trevor McDonald.

When asked his favourite song, Robert McVeigh told the BBC's Any Dream Will Do website:

"'Always' from Bon Jovi has everything a song could need; I love that song.."

In February 2008, it was revealed that Rob McVeigh singing I Owe It All To You would be one of the six contestants for the UK's Eurovision entry.

Other entries included Simona Armstrong and Michelle Gayle.

In June 2008 it was announced that Rob McVeigh was to appear alongside Jade Goody in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the Theatre Royal, Lincoln at Christmas.

In August 2008 it was reported that Rob McVeigh was participating in a fundraising sleep-out organised by the children's charity SAFE@Last.

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