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Matej Silecky's Biography

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Who is Matej Silecky?

Matej Silecky, who heralds from the USA, is a professional ice skater.

In middle school Matej Silecky was bullied because of his interest in ice skating.

He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 2015.

In 2016, paired with Elizaveta Usmantseva, he competed in the US Figure Skating National Championships.

Whilst recovering from an injury he established a production company, Kitsune Tale Productions, LLC, and made documentaries including Baba Babee Skazala [Grandmother Told Grandmother].

In November 2017, ITV announced that Matej Silecky would be one of the professional skaters on Dancing on Ice in 2018.

He was 23 years old at the time of the announcement.

Matej was paired with Brooke Vincent.

They ended up runners-up.


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