Megan Hornby's Biography

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The Apprentice 2023 candidate Megan Hornby gained a first in Criminology from Hull University.

Before entering The Apprentice her jobs included being a cashier and then a griller at Nando's and sales advisor at Vodafone. She was also general manager of Lucca.

In April 2020, Megan, at the age of 23, having been furloughed during lockdown, founded a sweet shop and cafe, The Candy Shop, in Princes Avenue.

It later had a relaunch, moving to 123 Newland Avenue in Hull and changing its name to Club Candy, becoming a bar and restaurant.

In spite of having to leave the Dubai task early because she was seasick, she made it to the final five of The Apprentice and the interview stage.

However, she fell at the interview stage, in effect coming third.

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