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Brande Roderick's Biography

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Brande Roderick was born in Novato in California on 13 June, 1974.

She studied at Santa Rosa Junior College.

Brande Roderick had a variety of small parts but it was with her role as lifeguard Leigh Dyer on Baywatch Hawaii that she made her acting breakthrough.

Her other acting credits include the movies The Nanny Diaries, Starsky & Hutch, Dracula II and Hood of Horror.

Brande Roderick was also a successful model, and was Playboy's 2001 Playmate of the Year.

Hugh Hefner described how Brande Roderick became one of his girlfriends: "So the parties began again. Within about three months, I met a young actress named Brande Roderick; then, a couple of weeks after that, I met a pair of identical twins, Sandy and Mandy Bentley, from Chicago, so for the next two and a half years I was dating Sandy, Mandy and Brande. Like bad pulp fiction, but better than life."

Brande Roderick is also a businesswoman. She founded a production company called She-Ra Productions, and manages a social networking site Financiallyhung.com.

She was selected to be alongside Brooke Burke and Traci Bingham in the reality show Flirty 30's.

In 2009, Brande Roderick elected to play for the charity, CPYC - California Police Youth Charities - in Celebrity Apprentice.

Brande Roderick is married to the former NFL player, Glenn Cadrez.


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