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Timur Gareyev's Biography

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Timur Gareyev was born on 3 March 1988 in Taskent in Uzbekistan.

He is a chess grandmaster, most notable for holding the world record for the number of boards played blindfold simultaneously.

Originally from Uzbekistan, in 2004, he became the youngest ever grandmaster from Asia at the age of 16.

The following year, he came to the USA where he studied Business Marketing at the University of Texas at Brownsville.

In 2013, Timur Gareyev tied for third in the US Chess Championship.

Timur Gareyev and Blindfold Chess

Timur Gareyev has held numerous blindfold chess simultaneous exhibitions.

Amongst the most notable was in May 2013 when he conducted a 33 board blindfold simul at the US Championship, ending with 29 wins, 4 draws and no losses.

On 4 December 2016, Timur Gareyev broke the Guiness World Record for Blindfold Chess playing 48 simultaneous games.

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