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Bill Clinton's Biography

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Former President, Bill Clinton, was born William Jefferson Blythe IV on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas, three months after his father died in a traffic accident. When he was four, his mother married Roger Clinton.

Bill Clinton was the 42nd President of the USA. His tenure was from 1993 to 2001.

In 1965, Clinton married Hillary Rodham, and in 1980, Chelsea, their only child, was born.

Bill Clinton was elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, and won the governorship in 1978. After losing a bid for a second term, he regained the office four years later.

Then, in 1992, Clinton defeated incumbent George Bush and third party candidate Ross Perot to become President of the United States of America.

In 1996, Bill Clinton defeated Republican, Bob Dole, to become the first Democrat since Franklin Roosevelt to win re-election as President. In August 2009, Bill Clinton helped to secure the release of two Americans journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who had been jailed in North Korea.

In 1998, as a result of issues surrounding his affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern, Bill Clinton was the second U.S. President to be impeached by the House of Representatives.

In February 1998, Tony Blair visited the President at the White House. It was at a press conference with Mr Blair that Clinton declared: 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman.'

Bill Clinton was tried in the Senate and found not guilty of the charges brought against him. However, in the course of what became known as "The Lewinsky Affair" Clinton did apologise to the American people for his actions.

Bill Clinton left Presidential office in January 2001. In 2000 George W Bush had defeated Clinton's vice-president Al Gore in the Presidential election.

In 2004, Bill Clinton released his autobiography, 'My Life'.

Since Bill Clinton left the Presidency he has been very active in the fight against AIDS. It was something that he only tackled late in his term of office.

The New York Times had a quote from Princeton Lyman, ambassador to South Africa under Bill Clinton:

"George Bush has actually delivered more resources, but Clinton is ten times more popular in Africa. That's because, just like he does everywhere, he portrays that sense that he cares."

Just as Tony Blair was in a band called 'Ugly Rumours', Bill Clinton played sax in a combo called 'Three Blind Mice'.

Throughout his life Clinton has been besotted with Elvis Presley. In his 1992 appearance on The Arsenio Hall Show, Clinton performed 'Heartbreak Hotel'

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