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Keith Arthur's Biography

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From 1999 to 2013 Keith Arthur presented Fisherman's Blues on Talksport Radio.

Keith Arthur's broadcast on 19 December 2004 gives a flavour of the man. In it, he said that they should cut off the testicles of polluters; and referring to the height of a great fisherman who had recently passed away, Keith Arthur said:

"He would have to stand on a tanner to see over a thruppenny-bit"

Keith Arthur's other presenting credits include Tight Lines, Sky Sports's angling show.

He was with the show, initially as an expert and then as a presenter, from its inception in 1995 until its end in 2015.

Keith Arthur started fishing at four years of age. From 1990 to 2002 Keith wrote a column for the Angling Times.

He told Talksport that the biggest fish he had ever caught and managed to weigh was a blue marlin weighing 350lbs, in Mauritius.

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