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Gustav Mahler's Biography

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Gustav Mahler was born in Kalsicht (sometimes spelt Kalist), Bohemia on 7 July 1860 and died in Vienna on 18 May 1911.

Although he was born Jewish, Mahler converted to Catholicism. Mahler's work was banned by the Nazis.

In 1902 Gustav Mahler married Alma Schindler, who published his letters and other documents after his death. Of aristocratic stock Mahler's wife became a noted composer and painter in her right. She lived until 1964.

In many ways, in his own lifetime, Gustav Mahler was best known for his work as a conductor. Although he wrote nine symphonies, Mahler separated the symphony Das Lied von der Erde, for superstitious reasons: Beethoven, Schubert and Bruckner had all died after completing nine symphonies.

Tim Smith, the music critic of the Baltimore Sun, suggests further reading on Gustav Mahler: Mahler by Jonathan Carr (Overlook Press, 1998) and Gustav Mahler: The Symphonies by Constantin Floros (Amadeus Press, 1993).

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