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Rama Yade's Biography

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In 2007, Rama Yade became France's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Human Rights. In June 2009 Rama Yade became the Secretary of State for Sports.

Rama Yade was born in 1976 in Senegal.

Rama Yade went to the Immaculate Conception Convent School and also studied political sciences at Paris Institut d’études politiques (IEP).

Rama Yade is married to the son of a Yiddish socialist singer. According to the preamble in a very interesting interview with Rama Yade on France 24, she locked her husband in at home to stop him voting in the French Presidential Elections!

Rama Yade was an administrator at the Senate from 2002 to 2007. Her roles at the French Senate included being Director of Communication of the parliamentary television channel Public Sénat and administrator at the Senate's local authorities department.

In 2006 Rama Yade was the UMP national secretary responsible for Francophone affairs.

In June 2007, Rama Yade was one of three women of African descent in Nicolas Sarkozy's cabinet. The others were Fadela Amara and Rachida Dati.

Rama Yade has written a book, Noirs de France, published by Editions Calmann-Lévy in 2007.

On 4 November 2009, The Telegraph reported that Rama Yade had been told to "shut your gob or resign" by her colleagues after criticising Nicolas Sarkozy.


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