Diane Henry's Biography

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Diane Henry was a 24 year-old model from Texas but more recently from Cincinatti when she was the 12th housemate to be evicted in Big Brother 5.

Diane was successfully selected from the 20 former housemates who were candidates for Big Brother 7: All-Stars to enter the new series. She was one of the four women who got the highest public votes to enter the house.

However, it was not to be for Diane, who was the fourth houseguest to be evicted, after losing a 7-1 vote to Erika.

Diane Henry did not enjoy Big Brother All-Stars, saying: "It's Big Brother let's make you miserable. It was the worst four weeks of my entire life."

At the time of Big Brother 7, Diane owed thousands of dollars in loans and medical bills but was determined to follow a career in the entertainment industry.

Diane has had a few small acting roles since Big Brother 5. Diane's Hollywood agent is Lori Valenti, another houseguest from Big Brother 5.

At the time of Big Brother series 5, Diane Henry was a cocktail waitress in Burlington, Kentucky.

Diane has tattoos on her back and ankle.

Diane Henry was a Northern Kentucky University student, but was raised in Burlington.

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