Kenny Tong's Biography

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Kenny Tong was one of five late additions to the Big Brother house, arriving on 17 July 2009.

When he entered Big Brother, Kenny was the boyfriend of an existing housemate, Karly Ashworth, however no sooner had he entered the house than Karly was voted off Big Brother.

In their first week of Big Brother, the new housemates failed a task and so faced eviction but a rule break by several other housemates ensured that everyone apart from Rodrigo and Lisa was up for the public vote.

However, in the early hours of 23 July 2009, Kenny Tong walked out of the Big Brother house, scaling a wall in the garden, less than a week after entering.

Kenny and Karly had been dating since January 2009 and she had a tattoo of Kenny's name on the back of her neck.

When he entered Big Brother, Kenny was a 24-year-old, who had grown-up in New York and Hong Kong, but had been living in Scotland for 10 years.

Kenny Tong had studied for four degrees at Edinburgh including politics.

He once spent £15,000 on a bottle of champagne in a nightclub.

Kenny does not drive.

Before he entered Big Brother, Kenny Tong was a friend of former Big Brother housemate Rex Newmark.

In January 2011, Dr Luisa Dillner in The Guardian commented on Kenneth Tong's tweets that women should aspire to "managed anorexia".

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