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Siavash Sabbaghpour's Biography

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Siavash Sabbaghpour was a 23-year-old events organiser, personal shopper, stylist and model when he became runner-up in Big Brother.

On Day 4 of Big Brother, Siavash was voted a housemate (from non-housemate) by the public.

Siavash was up to be the sixth full housemate to be evicted after he broke a rule about discussing nominations. However, he survived the public vote.

On day 48 of Big Brother, Siavash was up for eviction again for a rule break. However, this time he found himself up against the new housemates after a failed task and most of the old housemates who had also broken the rules, however as Kenny walked out of the house, the eviction was cancelled.

On Day 83 Siavash alongside Marcus got nominated for eviction from the Big Brother house. Siavash survived the public vote.

Siavash along with Rodrigo, David, Charlie and Sophie made it through to the final day of Big Brother.

Siavash Sabbaghpour ended up runner-up in Big Brother series 10.

Siavash was born in Iran, but left roughly 10 years before Big Brother. His father was a politician and was forced to leave.

Siavash Sabbaghpour lived in Sweden for a while, but came to the UK about 7 years before Big Brother.

At the time of Big Brother, Siavash was living with his mother. His father had not talked to Siavash for five years before Big Brother, because he believed Siavash to be gay.

According to a friend of Siavash speaking on Big Brother's Little Brother Siavash had been going out with a girlfriend for 6 or 7 months when he entered Big Brother, however in a heavy conversation with Noirin about their feelings for each other, Siavash Sabbaghpour said he had only been dating his girlfriend Laura Cogoni for one month.

In a curious coincidence, when Preston was going to appear on Big Brother's Little Brother to talk about series 10, his cab driver was Siavash's father.

Siavash left university before finishing his fashion course.

He was not allowed to take his yo-yo into the Big Brother house.

Usher once told him that 'he was the man'.

Siavash Sabbaghpour used to work at Harvey Nichols.

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