Lorenzo Borghese's Biography
He was born in Milan and lived in Rome and Paris before settling in the USA.
Prince Lorenzo's ancestors include Pope Paul V.
He worked at the insurance group AIG, and then went to business school at Fordham University in New York.
In 2003, Prince Lorenzo started Royal Treatment, a line of luxury pet care products.
The idea for Royal Treatment came from his labrador Belle, who suffered from skin problems.
Prince Lorenzo told The Financial Times:
"I was trying all these different pet shampoos on her that did not really work, and I was wondering why. So I started doing research and found out the shampoos were actually formulated for people."
Lorenzo is known to a wide audience through his role in the 2006 US series of The Bachelor.
He has also written a novel, The Princess of Nowhere.
Prince Lorenzo Borghese was 40-years-old when he entered Celebrity Big Brother in the summer of 2012.
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