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Jessie Godderz's Biography

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Jessie Godderz was a 22 year-old bodybuilder from Huntington Beach in California when he entered Big Brother series 10.

Jessie Godderz was born on 23 April 1986.

He graduated from high school in Iowa.

When he was 19, Jessie worked as a train conductor for the Union Pacific Railroad.

However, at the time of Big Brother, Jessie Godderz was a professional body-builder with the World Natural Body Building Federation.

Jessie was the youngest national professional body builder.

In the first week of Big Brother Jessie and Renny were nominated for eviction by head of household, Jerry.

However, Jessie Godderz won the power of veto and saved himself and Jerry replaced him with Brian, who was later evicted.

Jessie Godderz became the second head of household in Big Brother series 10. He nominated Dan and Steven for eviction.

In episode 7 of Big Brother, Jessie was nominated along with Angie by Keesha.

In episode 12, Jessie Godderz was evicted from Big Brother 10 after a tie-breaking vote from America's Player, Dan.

In 2009, Jessie entered Big Brother series 11 after the athletes clique won the first task and so Jessie entered the Big Brother house and was the first Head of Household.

On Day 40, Jessie Godderz became the fifth houseguest to be evicted from Big Brother season 11.

After Big Brother, Jessie Godderz became known as a professional wrestler.

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