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Natalie Martinez's Biography

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Natalie Martinez was born in Chino Valley, California on March 3, 1985.

Natalie was living with her father in Arizona at the time of Big Brother 11, in which she ended up being runner-up.

She has an older sister who lives in California.

Natalie Martinez is a World Champion bronze medallist in Tae Kwon Do.

At the time of Big Brother, Natalie weighed 102lbs.

Although she was single, Natalie and her ex, Jason, were trying to reconcile at the time of Big Brother. They had been together for two years and broke up 8 months before Big Brother but had started seeing each other again.

During Big Brother 11, Natalie was given the opportunity to spend time with Jason, and ended up getting engaged to him!

Natalie Martinez worked in a store, but she got a leave of absence to go on Big Brother 11.

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