Kaysar Ridha's Biography
Kaysar appeared in Big Brother series 6 and was one of the former housemates who got voted in to Big Brother 7: All-Stars.
Kaysar is an Iraqi Muslim, who was a neighbor of fellow Big Brother 6 houseguest, Michael Donnellan, who was an early eviction.
In Big Brother 6 a poll amongst the public voted Kaysar Ridha back into the Big Brother house at the end of week 6 after he had been evicted. It didn't last long, however, as just one week later Kaysar was given the push and evicted again.
Kaysar Ridha was evicted (on his birthday) quite early on in Big Brother: All Stars after James worked against his alliance.
Kaysar Ridha's favorite actress is Penelope Cruz and he likes playing basketball. Before Big Brother 7 Kaysar had been taking acting classes and after his eviction he said he would pursue a career in acting.
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