Eric Stein's Biography
He was selected to be 'America's Player'.
Being America's Player meant that at the end of every episode of Big Brother series 8, viewers voted on an important assignment that Eric must complete, for example, voting out a specific HouseGuest.
In week 10 of Big Brother series 8, Eric was evicted from the house.
Eric and Jessica Hughbanks met each other during Big Brother series 8 and were still partners when they introduced the first head of household competition in Big Brother series 9.
Eric Stein supports the NY Yankees and the NY Jets and his favorite TV shows include Scrubs, America's Most Wanted, How I Met Your Mother, and The Price Is Right.
Eric Stein's profile in CBS's official Big Brother site states that his favorite films are Clue, Billy Madison, and Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
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