Nick Starcevic's Biography
He was the fourth houseguest to be evicted from Big Brother. During the show Nick got close to Daniele Donato.
When asked by Julie Chen whether he would pursue his relationship with Daniele after Big Brother, Nick replied: "It's her decision."
Nick and Daniele did get together, however their relationship did not last long outside the Big Brother house.
Nick Starcevic played football at college level for University of Minnesota but is not to be confused with a different player with the same name.
Nick Starcevic comes from Kimball, Minnesota.
Nick played free safety for Team Finland, part of the European Football League, for two months before getting injured. After which he ended up student teaching in Australia, before entering Big Brother in the USA.
Nick Starcevic's profile in CBS's official Big Brother site listed his hobbies as fishing, weight lifting, and croquet.
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