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Joshuah Welch's Biography

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Joshuah Welch was a 25-year-old advertising media buyer in Dallas, Texas, when he entered Big Brother 9.

Joshuah, who is bisexual, has a bachelor's degree in advertising, with a business foundations minor from the University of Texas.

Joshuah Welch was born on 3 June, 1982.

In Big Brother series 9 Joshuah Welch had been paired with his 'soulmate' Neil.

When Neil had to leave Big Brother for personal reasons, Joshuah had to chose between the already evicted Jacob and Sharon to be his new partner. Joshuah chose Sharon.

In the third week of Big Brother, Joshuah and Sharon gained the power of veto but chose not to use it with Alex and Amanda, and Matt and Natalie on the block.

In the fourth week of Big Brother Joshuah and Sharon became heads of households and they put Allison & Ryan and Matt & Natalie on the block.

Allison and Ryan's nomination had not been a surprise, as in the days leading up to the nomination Joshuah Welch had been going at it hammer and tongs with Allison.

Joshuah Welch had always managed to steer clear of being on the block, but with just seven house guests left, Natalie won head of household and put up him up with James.

When James won the power of veto and was replaced by Sharon, it was always going to be difficult for Joshuah Welch and so it proved with him being evicted from Big Brother by a vote of 3-1.

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