Edna Agbarha's Biography

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Edna Agbarha was a 36-year-old chartered occupational psychologist living in London, when she entered The Apprentice series 7.

She came 10th.

Edna was born in London and had nine brothers and sisters.

As a teenager she worked on her uncle's market stall in Covent Garden.

In 1996 Edna Agbarha graduated with a BSc in Psychology from the University of East London.

The following year, she gained an MSc in Occupational Psychology from Goldsmiths College, University of London.

For two years she worked as an occupational psychologist at Barnardo's, and then for five years was a Managing Consultant at Saville and Holdsworth.

From 2005 to 2007, Edna Agbarha was Head of Talent Management at HR consultancy Right Coutts and was quoted by the likes of Discovery Channel (on coping with stress) and Management-Issues on employee engagement.

In 2007 she set up Agbarha People Consulting.

A year later, she finished her MBA at Imperial College London.

Edna Agbarha enjoys cycling.

Edna Agbarha was due to give a webinar at Imperial on 10 ways to make or break a financial trading career - roughly coinciding with the end of the transmission of The Apprentice series 7.

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