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Zoe Beresford's Biography

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Zoe Beresford was a 26-year-old Project Manager for her family's drinks manufacturer business, living in Cheshire, when she appeared in The Apprentice series 7.

Zoe came 7th.

Zoe Beresford was born in Stoke-on-Trent, the daughter of a farmer.

Zoe, who heralds from Arclid near Sandbach, joined the family drinks business after university.

She had been awarded the Rolls-Royce Manufacturing Technology Prize for the highest dissertation mark in the school of engineering.

Zoe Beresford had a horse riding accident and suffered bruising to the brain, but it did not put her off going eventing.

2011 was not Zoe's first experience of The Apprentice: three years previously she took part in a version of The Apprentice, ran by East Cheshire Chamber of Commerce, and was interviewed by former Apprentice candidate Ruth Badger.

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