Jason Ross's Biography

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Jason Ross, originally from London but living in Dover, was 37 when he entered the BBC's Castaway.

Jason Ross was the first Castaway in 2007 to be voted off the island by his fellow contestants.

Jason Ross, who started drinking at 11, was a drug and alcohol addict, but had been 'clean' for 18 months before the start of Castaway 2007.

Although unemployed at the time of entering the BBC's Castaway, Jason Ross is a qualified carpenter and joiner.

On Day 12 of Castaway, Jason Ross was named by the castaways as the person to have contributed least and so was isolated on a different beach by himself for one week. However, he was later joined by a surprise new Castaway, Catherine Bell.

Jason's interests include archery, potholing, rock climbing and abseiling.

Jason Ross has a young son.

On programme 1 of Castaway, Jason Ross said:

"I died three times in intensive care. But I've been given my life back."

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