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Nicola McLean's Biography

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Nicola McLean was a 26-year-old glamour model and WAG from Swansea when she entered I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

Nicola McLean was in the jungle for 18 days, but was the seventh celebrity to be voted off I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

At the time of going into the jungle, Nicola McLean was engaged to Peterborough FC footballer Tommy Williams.

Tommy and Nicola had a child, Rocky, and lived in a six-bedroom house in Wexham in Buckinghamshire.

In 2009, Nicola McLean and Tommy Williams married on the Living TV show Four Weddings.

Like fellow I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 2008 contestant Robert Kilroy-Silk, Nicola McLean has been in the press for making a controversial comment.

The Guardian reported how Nicola McLean apologised after saying on a live radio programme, that Samantha Mumba looked like a monkey.

At the time of appearing in a Channel 5 documentary "Help! I've Got A High Maintenance Wife", The Mirror quoted Nicola McLean that she would never breast-feed:

"I had my boobs increased from a 32C to a 32G so I didn't feed my baby because they'd go saggy and lose their sexiness.

"I wanted to keep my boobs for my boyfriend, know what I mean?"

The Mirror's Nicola McLean: I'm A Celebrity top 10 facts mentioned that Nicola claims to have made over 300 appearances on the Page 3s of the Daily Star and The Sun.

Before becoming a model, Nicola McLean was an army cadet.

In 2012, Nicola McLean became a housemate on Celebrity Big Brother.

She returned five years later, in January 2017, as one of the All-Stars on Celebrity Big Brother series 19.

She got to the final day and came fifth.

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