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Lesley Sanderson's Biography

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Big Brother housemate, Lesley Sanderson, was 19 when as a temp administrator, sales co-ordinator and dance student she entered the house.

Lesley Sanderson, from Huddersfield, nearly married when just 16. Lesley was engaged to Mark Hallas, but according to the plumber, they never had sex.

Lesley entered the Big Brother house wearing a skimpy PVC white nurse's uniform. She referred to her "big brown Bambi eyes" and her "very busy and curvaceous figure", and described herself as "sexy, bitchy and loud."

On entry to the Big Brother house, Lesley said: "I know I'm gorgeous. I wear the right clothes, I'm a poser."

It was not long before Lesley showed off some of her assets in the Big Brother pool, however they did not seem to make the hoped-for impression. In the second week after being nominated by the general public, Lesley was evicted from Big Brother.

In October 2006, Lesley Sanderson accepted "substantial" compensation from the Sunday Sport over an article in June 2005 that claimed she had three-in-a-bed sex with two brothers. The paper later admitted the story was untrue.

In March 2007, Lesley Sanderson was compensated again by a tabloid. The Daily Star Sunday admitted there was no truth in their story over Lesley Sanderson's sexual behaviour, published in May and June 2005.

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