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Laura Williams's Biography

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Laura Williams was a 23 year-old nanny from Tylorstown, Rhondda in South Wales when she entered Big Brother series 8.

Laura says that she talks too fast and too much and that she hates smoking and loves cooking. Nevertheless, in Big Brother, Laura was judged by Carole to be the most slothful housemate and soon after Laura Williams became the fourth housemate to be evicted from Big Brother series 8.

Up against Chanelle, Laura got 68% of the public vote to go.

Laura Williams always carries an elastic band on her, which she snaps when she gets angry.

She sweeps leaves for free in the local graveyard and wants to train to be an embalmer.

Laura Williams doesn't like silence and is a fan of Bon Jovi, Roxette and Lionel Richie.

Her nickname is Wangers because of her large breasts.

When she was 16, Laura Williams was voted Student of the Year.

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