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Johnson Beharry's Biography

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Johnson Beharry was one of eight children brought up in a hut in Grenada.

When he was 19, Johnson Beharry moved to Hounslow, west London, to live with the family of his father's sister, Irene.

He worked on building sites and spent much of his money on alcohol and soft drugs.

He decided to change his ways and join the army. It was eventually to lead to 25136865 Private Johnson Gideon Beharry of The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment being awarded the first Victoria Cross for bravery since the Falklands War.

Johnson Beharry won the VC for "two individual acts of great heroism by which he saved the lives of his comrades. Both were in direct face of the enemy, under intense fire, at great personal risk to himself (one leading to him sustaining very serious injuries)."

After returning from Iraq in 2004 and being awarded the VC in 2005, Johnson Beharry suffered stress related problems and at one point tried to kill himself, deliberately crashing his car into a lamp post at more than 100mph.

He also separated from his wife Lynthia and started going out with Tamara Vincent.

In 2006, Johnson Beharry wrote the autobiographical Barefoot Soldier.

In 2011, he was paired with Jodeyne Higgins on ITV's Dancing on Ice.

On 14 January 2011, The Sun reported that Johnson Beharry had broken a bone when his ice skate landed on his finger in training for Dancing on Ice.

In the beginning of March 2011, in the week that Johnson Beharry ice skated into the last 5 pairs of Dancing on Ice, he revealed that he had felt something in his left leg for the first time in 7 years.

Johnson Beharry was one of the most improved skaters through the series and Johnson and Jodeyne ended up fourth on Dancing on Ice.

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